TRX Exercises | The TRX Suspension Trainer
The TRX Suspension Trainer is perhaps on the best workout system. It is also known as Total Resistance exercises. The best thing is that this TRX can be used by people at all fitness levels as it mainly requires the trainee to use his/her own body weight to exercise. This is a specialized form of suspension training that helps to develop core stability, flexibility, body strength, balance etc. However, it is very important that we do all the forms correctly and do not injure ourselves. There are specialized and certified TRX Suspension Trainers for the purpose and it is a safer idea to have a personal trainer or TRX trainer to train us in order to yield maximum benefits from this tool.

Benefits we get from working out with TRX Suspension Trainer
- It is a total-body workout that benefits people of all fitness levels.
- Exercising with TRX helps to improve both mobility and stability.
- It helps develop functional strength.
- The best part is it does not necessarily be a gym, but it can be set-up anywhere like outdoors, home or even in hotels!
- This TRX Suspension Trainer gives much greater performance than many of those large and expensive exercise machines.
- Moreover, it helps to increase our metabolic results too.
- TRX Suspension Trainer is great for strength training, increasing muscular endurance and for building lean muscles.
- One of the major benefits working out with TRX is it makes our core very strong and stable.
Some of the popular TRX workouts are:
TRX Push up – It is known to all of us that push-up is still one of the most dependable exercises when it comes to weight loss, muscle building or toning. Other than the on the floor style, doing push-ups on TRX suspension trainer gives our body a total new dimension.
For this we need to stand facing away from the TRX. We have to hold the handles of the TRX right at the chest height with extended arms and our palms should be facing the floor. Our feet should be kept apart too i.e. it should be shoulder-width apart and body should be aligned from head to heels. Now we have to shift our body weight to the balls of our feet and bend our elbows. Thus do the push up and return to starting position again.
Lunges – Lunges are again very popular and common fitness exercise. It improves our lower limb strength and balance. It is a very good functional exercise that betters our overall function of legs.
All we need to do is stand facing away from the TRX, one foot should be on the foot cradle and hands on hips. Now we have to bend our knees until the other thigh is parallel to the floor. Thereafter, we have to rise up to starting position. The same movement needs to be repeated on the other leg. Together that’s one set.
Triceps Extension – For this exercise, we need to stand underneath the anchor point, facing the TRX. Lean forward and hold both the handles and extend our arms in the front. Our elbows should bent 90 degrees and our palms should face away from us. Now we have to raise the handles of the TRX towards our eye level, while keeping our palms facing towards the floor and our arms must be extended. Then we need to return to the position where we started from.
High Bicep curls – At first we need to stand with feet hip-width apart, facing away from the TRX. Thereafter, we have to hold the handles by leaning forward. Our elbows should be bent at 90 degrees while it is important to keep our palms facing away from us. Thereafter we need to extend our arms followed by bending our elbows to return to starting position.
Other exercises are like – TRX Chest Press, Kneeling Triceps Press, Low Row, Alligator, Glute Bridge, Single-Leg Squat etc. All of these exercises are very good for weight loss, muscle building and toning. However, proper guidance as to how to move about with these workouts is very essential for which it is recommended to have a personal trainer or TRX trainer who is certified for the same.
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