Your connection to professional services

Aircon Servicing, Personal Trainer, Handyman, Financial Adviser, Property agent and more!

Service Models

Job Based

For services like A/C servicing, part-time helper and handyman service, submit a service request, and our best matching team or contracting company is assigned to the job.

Select the service you need and submit the request with your requirements

The platform will assign our best matching team or contractor

The service team will arrive at your place on the requested date and time for the job

Offer Based

For services like financial consultation, property agents and personal trainers, submit a request, and qualified service providers will reach out to you with their offers.

Select the service you need and submit the request with your requirements

View responses from the best matching service providers and initiate further discussion using the chat system

Select the service provider who best fits your budget and need


Book a service in less than 2 minutes.
Explore attractive deals.
Rewards from loyalty programs.
Enjoy heavy discounts on service booking

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Why us?

Secure Payment

StringsSG secures your payment by the trusted Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.3), which is the highest level of network protection.
You can choose to pay with the many options available like, PayNow, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, GrabPay and many more.